Party Nails – ‘Someway Somehow’

Party Nails releases ‘Someway Somehow’

Someway Somehow
Party Nails image via press photo

L.A.-based singer/songwriter Party Nails releases her third single of 2023, ‘Someway Somehow.’

Follow-up to ‘Bull In A China Shop‘ from earlier in 2023, Party Nails has shared her latest offering, a track filled with vocal harmonies, fuzzed guitars, and a timeless hook.

Here she is describing the track:

“This song feels like something I found. Like it always existed. Like I was on a walk and found it under a rock, as if it were a fossil waiting to be found. It’s about the complete, full, forever love you feel for your partner, your parent, your child, your friend, humanity. The deep knowing that you will never, ever stop, in spite of all obstacles.”

‘Someway Somehow’ is available today on your favorite service provider.

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