Natalie Shay – ‘Like You Boy’

Natalie Shay releases heartfelt breakup anthem ‘Like You Boy’

Natalie Shay image via Holly McCandless-Desmond

Produced by Kaity Rae and mixed and mastered by Jonathan Vears, ‘Like You Boy’ features layered harmonies that create a celestial atmosphere, culminating in a climactic chorus that mirrors the emotional intensity of the song’s narrative.

UK indie-pop sensation Natalie Shay unveils her latest single, ‘Like You Boy,’ a poignant breakup anthem characterized by raw, relatable lyrics, simple acoustic guitar melodies, and powerhouse vocals.

The songwriter shares:

“The song is about the moment after you get dumped or a relationship ends. When you’re curled up in bed accepting that the relationship has ended and learning to let go of that hope of potential. You start thinking things over and trying to figure out where it went wrong, in this case blaming myself, for always screwing things up. And also blaming yourself for opening up in the first place.”

‘Like You Boy’ is out now.

Connect with Natalie Shay:


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