Lilac Haze – ‘Daisy Girl’

Lilac Haze shares her second single ‘Daisy Girl’

Daisy Girl
Lilac Haze image via Press Photo

Bath-based songwriter Katrina Swift has released the follow-up single to her debut released earlier in 2023.

Influenced by bands of the 80s and 90s, Lilac Haze draws inspiration from The Cure, All About Eve, Eva Cassidy, and Fleetwood Mac, combining atmospheric and ethereal textures with a sense of nostalgic romance. On her latest single, Haze delivers a fanciful track complete with her trademark angelic voice on top of a sublime sonic layer that captures her “daisy girl” mood perfectly.

Discussing what inspired the single, Lilac Haze explains:

“We all have a little “daisy girl” within us, giving courage to take a chance on something new and different. I wrote this song with the idea of pursuing new relationships with an open heart without letting fear paralyse an opportunity for happiness. We had a great time experimenting with different guitar sounds for this track, and had fun creating this sweet treat.”

‘Daisy Girl’ is available now on all streaming services.

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