Lauren Dejey – ‘Till I Wilt’

Lauren Dejey juxtaposes delicacy and static chaos in latest single ‘Till I Wilt’

Till I Wilt
Lauren Dejey image via press photo

South London’s rising alt-pop sensation, Lauren Dejey, unveils her latest track, ‘Till I Wilt,’ a wonderful fusion of delicate lyricism and harsh static noise.

Collaborating once again with her long-term producers, spacemen, Dejey sets the tone for a promising year ahead with this explosive and imaginative new single. In ‘Till I Wilt,’ Lauren Dejey expertly navigates the delicate balance between the fragility of nature and the raw, unpredictable forces of life. The track, produced with spacemen, showcases Dejey’s distinctive style, where poetic lyricism and ethereal vocals collide with an audacious and static-laden production. The juxtaposition of gentleness and distortion creates a unique auditory experience reflecting the shared vulnerability of both humanity and nature.

“Giving every drop of energy away to someone. You’d do anything to help them grow and thrive while your colours slowly fade. Like a gentle flower wilting on someone’s shelf, only needing a touch of love and care to come back to full bloom.”

Lauren Dejey’s ‘Till I Wilt’ is out now. Keep an eye out next week for her upcoming music video on February 15th.

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