Kayla DiVenere – ‘Date Myself’

Kayla DiVenere shares new single ‘Date Myself’

Date Myself
Kayla DiVenere image via Lili Skyler

On ‘Date Myself,’ Kayla DiVenere shares a more mature and intentional alt-lenaing pop sound.

Rising 19-year-old Kayla DiVenere has released her latest single ‘Date Myself.’ Out via Sound Factory Records, Kayla vents her frustrations with modern dating culture and all the disappointments that come with it.

“Writing ‘Date Myself’ reminded me of how beautiful it is to spend time by yourself and how important it is to be comfortable owning your high standards and loving yourself,” she says. “Being able to hear the song back after writing it and screaming it at the top of my lungs has comforted me more than any guy has, and I hope it can comfort people who relate to it too.”

‘Date Myself’ is out now on all DSPs.

Connect with Kayla DiVenere:


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