iilliaa – ‘life gets hard’

iilliaa releases his debut single ‘life gets hard’

life gets hard
iilliaa image via Spotify

The 22-year-old Ukranian DJ and producer overcomes hardships and heartache to deliver a spellbinding debut single.

Hailing from the Ukrainian city of Lviv, 22-year-old DJ, and producer iilliaa has transformed his dream of becoming a rapper into a therapeutic outlet filled with passion and dedication. Inspired by artists like The Blaze, Jamie XX, Kanye West, and Drake, iilliaa persistently pursues his dream of one day making a living for himself and his family with his music. That day may soon be here as today, he has released his debut single ‘life gets hard.’

The track has already garnered the attention of music fans and TikTok users worldwide. The top 5 posts featuring the sound have collectively reached over 10 million views, and with an astonishing 1k daily creations, the sound has accumulated over 11,5k total creations in a short amount of time. Even before its release, the track received over 6k pre-saves, demonstrating the immense anticipation from fans.

Join in on the fanfare and listen to ‘life gets hard’ today.

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