Eighty Ninety – ‘Ruins’

Eighty Ninety reveals emotional single, ‘Ruins,’ from upcoming debut album

Eighty Ninety image via press photo

Indie-pop sensations Eighty Ninety are preparing to unveil their highly-anticipated self-titled debut album on December 15th.

Following a series of impactful singles including ‘The Hard Way,’ ‘Face Like a Sunset,’ ‘Stay Alive,’ and ‘2 Carat,’ ‘Ruins’ emerges as the final prelude to the band’s forthcoming album. Laden with raw sentiment, textured indie-pop production, and Abner’s hauntingly captivating vocals, the song encapsulates the essence of Eighty Ninety’s signature style.

“‘Ruins’ is a reflection the past, the choices we didn’t make and the ‘what ifs’ that still linger,” the duo explains. “We wanted to capture the ache of those missed opportunities and unspoken words and to reflect on our youth and the ruins we all carry with us. The rest of the album also explores how we shape our lives on the foundations of those ruins and their enduring impact on who we become.”

Amidst fervent anticipation, Eighty Ninety’s 10-track LP, bearing the same moniker as the duo, is set to launch on December 15th, inviting listeners to immerse themselves in the duo’s evocative soundscapes.

Experience the poignant resonance of ‘Ruins’ on all streaming platforms today.

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