doops – ‘Fever Tree’

doops release guitar-infused single ‘Fever Tree’

Fever Tree Press
doops image via Louis-Jean La Grange

Reading’s indie-rock sensation doops ignite excitement with the release of ‘Fever Tree,’ a thrilling and energetic track available today.

Drawing on a compelling mix of swampy bass riffs, stoner guitars, and gripping choruses, doops’ latest creation delves into an alt-rock realm that pulsates with a moody, seismic energy. The single encapsulates anthemic indie vibes reminiscent of Lip Filler or The Blinders, infused with the bold and psych-tinged attitude akin to QOTSA.

Vocalist Andy Bingham sheds light on the genesis of ‘Fever Tree,’ offering insight into the band’s experimentation and evolution:

“In ‘doops’ second recording since becoming 4-piece; the band lyrically attempts to challenge the theme of trying to stay relevant & visible in a world of constant artistic re-invention, and at what point this compromises the integrity of the artist in the process. Set to the backdrop of Tarrantino’esque groove, it’s band’s first experiment into a switch-around on instrumental duties: our bassist Luke couldn’t make practise, so I covered for a rehersal and we ended up with the ‘Fever Tree’ riff at the end of it!”

‘Fever Tree’ marks doops’ second release of 2023 following June’s ‘Idle Hands,’ and it serves as a prelude to an upcoming EP slated for release in the spring of the coming year. The band, consisting of Andy Bingham (Guitar, Bass, Vocals), Luke Conner (Bass/Guitar & Backing Vocals), Roddy Bailey (Drums), and Cameron Smith (Synth, Guitar & Backing), promises a captivating musical journey with this final release of the year.

Experience the self-released adrenaline-fueled new single ‘Fever Tree’ starting today.

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