Danielle Durack – ‘Good Dog’

Danielle Durack reveals her vulnerability in intimate new single, ‘Good Dog’

Good Dog
Danielle Durack image via Brianna Voron

Nashville’s own Danielle Durack introduces her latest single, ‘Good Dog,’ a poignant revelation from her forthcoming album, Escape Artist.

Initially conceived as an empathetic portrayal of her dog’s separation anxiety, ‘Good Dog’ transcends its origins to encapsulate Durack’s own insecurities and fear of losing connections.

In her words:

“This was written from the perspective of my dog… Only after finishing the song did I make the connection that it was actually, of course, about me and my own abandonment issues.”

Accompanying this soul-baring single is a comical yet heartfelt video directed by Jamee Lind, narrating the romantic escapades of a hot dog. Durack admits, “The idea was inspired by a short-form video by Jamee… I think the silly concept offers some nice comedic relief to the heartbreaking song.”

As anticipation mounts for the release of Escape Artist on February 16th, 2024, fans eagerly await the continuation of Durack’s trademark emotional depth and introspective songwriting. With ‘Good Dog,’ she offers a glimpse into her world, inviting listeners to explore their own vulnerabilities through the shared language of heartfelt music.

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