The Alchemist releases an engaging and exciting original soundtrack

One of the premier beat-makers of his generation, The Alchemist, has released an instrumental score that is some of the best music put on record this year.
Produced by: The Alchemist
One of the leading beat-makers of his generation, The Alchemist, has dropped a short, beatless instrumental score for a film called CYCLES . That’s right, no drum. No kick. No hi-hat. And no lyrics. Just synthesizers and melodies.
The film, made by Jason Goldwatch is not your run-of-the-mill film either. In it, Mr. Goldwatch splices together footage from random scenes and combines them with splatters and color patterns that form a kaleidoscopic effect that feels like a hallucination. Throughout the film, there are also areas where there is spoken word. To say this is a trippy movie is an understatement.
CYCLES isn’t quite what one would expect from Alc as he’s known for working with hip-hop artists. And although this endeavor may be an instrumental project, I implore you not to sleep on it. He’s a skilled craftsman that can adapt and excel in any situation you find him in. The album is one of the shortest we’ve reviewed this year totaling 16 minutes and 24 seconds. And you may come out of it thinking you just experienced the oddest film for some time. And you’re probably correct. But this is some of the best music put on record this year.
In a short explanation of the making of CYCLES, The Alchemist sums up this project best, “You know, we never know where we’re gonna go with that, but I know creatively the muscles… they get bored. That’s really what this was. It’s like a week or two of expression for me outside of what I normally do. So with a project like this, you gotta be a little psychotic. What you’re gonna see is basically that…”
The album is highlighted this week as one of the 3 new albums out this week you should listen to now.
Standout Songs: The Jump, The Cold, The Discomfort
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