Violet Sands – ‘are you still watching?’

Violet Sands shares new single ‘Are You Still Watching?’

Violet Sands - 'Are You Still Watching?' cover and press
Violet Sands image via press photo

Brooklyn-based trio Violet Sands, comprised of Deidre Muro, David Perlick-Molinari, and Derek Muro, make a compelling return with their eerie and evocative new single, ‘Are You Still Watching?’

With a sound reminiscent of turn-of-the-century electronica icons like Portishead and Massive Attack, their latest single, ‘Are You Still Watching?’ blends swirling atmospherics, stark guitars, and a skittering, incessant drum groove to create a hauntingly contemporary resonance.

‘Are You Still Watching?’ is available to listen to now on your favorite DSP.

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