Michael Bernard Fitzgerald – ‘Forever and Always’

Michael Bernard Fitzgerald explores building love with new single ‘Forever and Always’

Michael Bernard Fitzgerald - 'Forever and Always'
Michael Bernard Fitzgerald image via Jslvr

Calgarian singer-songwriter Michael Bernard Fitzgerald (MBF) is set to release his sixth full-length album, Horizon Lines, on September 27, 2024.

Fitzgerald shares the album’s second single, the upbeat and bright pop/folk track, ‘Forever and Always.’ Co-produced and recorded with Josh Rob Gwilliam, its pristine acoustic guitar and anticipatory percussion provide the backdrop for what Fitzgerald refers to as a song akin to “the dance we do when finding a partner and building a love.”

“There are hopes and dreams we have for ourselves in love and then there is also the capacity we have to give and receive that care. So much growth is needed to truly partner, to truly get past parts of ourselves to really become a team. ‘I want love this time’ talks about building something with substance for the first time, getting past my own pitfalls.‘Teach me how to confidently say, forever and always’ – be that constant for one another, as we learn to get past some of the same blockages and hurdles.”

‘Forever and Always’ is out now.

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