Interview: Golden Vessel discusses playing his hometown, his songwriting process, and the enjoyment of creating an album with his friends

Brisbane-based artist Golden Vessel (Maxwell Byrne) has been creating a unique and eclectic blend of electronic music for quite some time now. His latest effort, everythingeverydayeverything released early last month (July 7), sees the Australian producer confident, distinctive, and ever-so-stylish. 11-tracks deep, everythingeverydayeverything is a mature and distinctive album packed with standout tracks. He recently took some time out of his schedule to talk with us…
The Daily Music Report: You’re in the middle of a trio of shows in Australia. How is the reception? How does it feel to be back out playing shows?
Golden Vessel: I had my hometown Brisbane show last week and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever had! It feels good to be back, but it also feels still very temperamental, anyone in my band could get sick at any point or flights canceled, etc., which makes it a little stressful haha…
Any plans for additional shows coming up?
Nothing at the moment! I’m really enjoying DJing at the moment so hopefully more of that.
It’s been almost six months since the release of your first single, ‘eee’ from everythingeverydayeverything. And it’s been one month since the album’s release (July 7, 2022). How did you enjoy this release cycle? How does it compare to your previous releases?
My friends and I really went the extra mile with the visuals and I’m really proud of the final product. I think it’s the most concise and cohesive project I’ve made yet and so it was fun to put that all out.
‘pocket full of rocks’ (feat. mallrat & emerson lief) has garnered over 336,000 Spotify streams (and counting). What do you think it is about that track specifically that has your fans playing it incessantly?
I think it’s a pretty simple & catchy song! And people love Mallrat & Emerson Leif, so maybe that’s why haha…
Are there any tracks that you are especially proud of on the album? And what about it makes you feel that way?
I’m happy with all of it, but the last track ‘trash’ stands out for me atm. It’s the most upfront & honest song on the album, so I’m really happy with the songwriting, and also production wise it has this beat switch in the middle which took a lot of time to get right.
Can you tell us about your songwriting process? You’ve mentioned in the past that some of your songs for the album have taken a long time (months), like on ‘so far.’ Then other times, like on ’spinning’ you acknowledge that it came really quickly (1 hour). Have you been able to pinpoint the reasoning a track may take a long time or be done rather quickly?
Generally, a lot of my songs are collages of a few different ideas to make something greater! And that collaging process takes a while, taking a verse from song a, the chorus from song b & drums from song c, and seeing if they mesh. But I like doing it that way because you find ways of putting songs together that you wouldn’t have come up with if you just made it in one sitting.
Do you keep a notebook of lyrics/ideas or do you prefer recording ideas with your phone?
I write a lot in my notes on my phone, and a lot of it is cataloging different ideas so that I can keep track of parts to collage.
Any plans to come stateside?
I would love to get back over and tour, but at the moment it’s just not quite financially feasible. Hopefully soon!
What’s next on the horizon for Golden Vessel, what can fans expect for the rest of 2022 and beyond?
I’m going to be putting a lot of energy into my dance side project 1tbsp, and I’m starting to figure out atm what’s next for Golden Vessel.
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